Sunday, September 11, 2011

Damage Control When Eating Out

. In many restaurants, most appetizers are fat-laden and have no nutritional value.  Desserts are usually both fat and sugar-laden.  I’m usually very hungry when we arrive at a restaurant, so I use the Dr. Oz trick of drinking a glass of water and eating an apple or 6 walnuts before I leave the house so I won’t be as hungry when I arrived at the restaurant. A chocolate square kept in your purse or glove box could substituted for desert, or order a low-calorie option such as a scoop of ice cream  or sorbet and split it with your dining partner.
Look at the menu and decide before you go.  Many restaurants have their menu on line. If so, look at the menu before you go to the restaurant and pick a healthier, lower-fat  entrée. This works because you won’t be tempted by the sights and smells of fattening foods being carried to other tables.  Also, I’m the type that gets swayed by what other people order. If I’ve decided what I want before I go to the restaurant, I’m much less likely to order the chicken-fried steak or pizza.  When I was invited to a pizza restaurant for a birthday party, went online and picked a nice salad before I went. The guests were willing to share a small piece of pizza with me so I didn’t feel deprived.

Substitute for appetizers and desserts or skip them altogether

Eat a lower-calorie, healthy salad before your meal. Eating a healthy salad before  the entrée can fill you so you don’t eat as much of the entrée. Just make sure the salad isn’t loaded with fattening things such as cheese, bacon, croutons, nuts (especially the candied nuts that are popular today). An order a healthy dressing on the side.

Pick the healthier food preparation. When you are given the option on meat preparation between fried, broiled or sautéed, choose the broiled option of ask that the meat be sautéed in olive oil instead of butter. If there isn’t

Avoid creamed sauces. Alfredo or creamed sauces can add hundreds of calories and saturated fat to your meal.  Avoid them altogether or ask if the chef can prepare the entrée with a more healthy option such as marinara.

Don’t eat everything on your plate.  We all know this one.  I’ve seen a tip to immediately ask for a take-home carton and cut your entrée in half before you even start eating. Another tip – if your order includes a fattening side such as French fries, ask the waiter to leave them off your plate or for a better substitute, such as a vegetable.

What's your tip for damage control when eating out?

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