You’ve told me snacking too much is your downfall. Me, too! That’s why it helps to have several strategies to prevent your snacks from ruining your goals. Picks some of these strategies to help curb excess snacking.
Amuse yourself. Make a list of things you like to do. When you find yourself starting a snacking binge, stop and ask yourself, “I’m I snacking because I’m not in a good mood?” Non-stop snacking can be a sign you're bored or depressed. Pick something off your list to distract yourself. Here’s a few suggestions: Play a game, work a crossword puzzle, meditate, listen to your favorite songs, work on a hobby. What's on your list?
- Swap it out. If you're prone to snacking on high-calorie, high-fat snacks, search for substitute that is equally pleasing. Sometimes our eating is just habit. If we thought about it, we could probably find a healthier snack we enjoy just as much. I have a friend who freezes low fat yogurt, and takes it out of the freezer about 15 minutes before snacking. In the winter, I love Celestial Seasonings Candy Cane Lane Green Tea with a pinch of sugar. I love the warmth and the smell. I sip it slowly and thoroughly enjoy it.
- Be a spendthrift. I’m usually a very frugal shopper, but I never buy snack food in the cheaper, multi-serving bag. I know I’ll eat more than one serving. If I’m going to have empty calories, I make sure to limit the calorie count. Those 100 calorie bags are great.
- Don’t go nuts. Nuts are healthy, but they are high in calories. Some nuts, if eaten in excess, can prompt kidney stones. Several people tell me that instead of eating just one ounce, they’ll keep eating them. It is hard to stop. To prevent yourself from the “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing” syndrome, don’t eat the nuts from the bag or jar. Measure them out and put the bag or jar away.
- Pay the Price. Before reaching for that snack, do something for ten minutes that you need to cross off your to-do list. Examples: Do a quick exercise (20 push ups, abdominal exercises), make your grocery list, tidy up the kitchen, pack healthy lunches for the next day. You’ll feel better by crossing something off your list. As a result, you may be prone to eat less or even forget your desire for a snack.
- Play Aretha. Sing to yourself, “Think, Think about what you’re trying to do to me.” That is, be aware of what you are doing to your body and your goals if you continue munch away. Many times over snacking is just a matter of not being conscious of how much you are eating.
Having strategies ahead of time can increase of chances of keeping your snacking under control. Hopefully one or more of these strategies will work for you.
Let us know if they work or if you have other strategies you’ve used to control snacking. And here's a challenge for inventors out there. I'd love a snack dispenser that doles out only 100 calories a night and won't give you any more until 24 hours later. I bet you'd make billions!